I photograph digitally, most recently with an iPhone camera. Editing my images on an iPad,I work in and combine numerous apps to process and manipulate my images. With archival inks, images are printed on multiple fabric panels. Different fabrics used may include silk organzas, patterned fabrics, satins, and antique linens. Layering the panels creates density. Layer by layer, I sew the panels together with one-stitch knots, strategically aligning the image to control focus. I consider how the fabric, once hanging, will gently move in air currents. Once all the layers are assembled, I hang the work and fine tune how that work moves. This painstaking process takes many weeks.

All of my work springs from my practice of photographing daily, whether at home, an outing, a funeral, or hospital calamity. Constructing an image grants me perspective and composure during life altering events or in the everyday. My work has long explored notions of loss and memory. Using multiple layers of fabric allows the image to shift and move, changing the focus & intensity of the work. Creating a dreamlike landscape, it allows the piece to constantly change, as memory and life often does. Whether at a county fair, a seaside trip, or on my daily walk with my dog, I photograph as I see the world and then manipulate to present my vision and perspective: perhaps a bit twisted, certainly haunted.